BindException Can't assign requested address Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries
Received this error: Can't assign requested address: Service 'sparkDriver' failed after 16 retries
Luckily, I found this stackoverflow post, listing instructions:
- run hostname
- check if the output is present in /etc/hosts
- assuming hostname returned potato, you should have in /etc/hosts a line like this: potato
- run the java code again, and it should pass
parallel execution with xargs
Useful trick seen in the vagrant-cassandra repo
$ cat <<EOF | xargs -P3 -I"BOXNAME" sh -c "vagrant up --provision BOXNAME"
This can also be used with bash functions, but first you have to export them:
export -f some_function
cat <<EOF | xargs -P3 -I"BOXNAME" sh -c "some_function BOXNAME"
automatically install guest additions in vagrant
This plugin makes it all happen. In my case, it was enough just to do a:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
and guest additions were automatically installed.
docker run command in already executing container
To run bash:
docker exec -it container_id /bin/bash
css selector not has child
Example for selecting a’s that don’t have img as children:
table:nth-of-type(14) td:nth-of-type(2) > a:not(:has(>img))
git log line range
This would show changes to the line range 25-80:
git log -L 25,80:path/to/file
ansible single host without inventory
Example of provisioning a vagrant machine, without using Vagrantfile:
ansible-playbook --private-key=.vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key -u vagrant -i "," playbooks/first.yml
linux remove user user is currently logged in
$ sudo userdel username userdel: user username is currently logged in $ sudo pkill -u username $ sudo userdel -r username