twisted debugging
Problem: had to work with some defer.Deferred and defer.DeferredList() with scrapy, and started to receive this kind of errors: twisted.internet.defer.AlreadyCalledError
Solution: this seems promising, add it after you import defer from twisted.internet
scrapy get html from selector
Problem: need to access the html for a selector
Solution: found here:
from lxml import etree
scrapy unicode utf-8
Problem: want to write unicode strings encoded as utf-8 when exporting scrapy items.
- found here
- add the following setting in your
redux form inputs not updating
Problem: had some fields in a form, and they were not updating.
Solution: The name of the redux reducer was passed to combineReducers in a wrong way. Problem is also discussed here
chromedriver logs from python
Problem: wanted to see why chrome might fail to start.
Solution: specify a logging file when building your driver object:
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=/tmp/your.log"])
pyconfig.h no such file or directory
Problem: received this error: pyconfig.h: No such file or directory
- install with yum the following
yum -y install python-devel python-lxml
cannot get automation extension
Problem: received this error message cannot get automation extension
Solution: upgrade chromedriver.
javascript find element at coordinates
Problem: given X,Y coordinates, find the element in the DOM at that position.
- use document.elementFromPoint(647,17)
tslint Error Cannot find module './test/parse'
Problem: Received this error: Error: Cannot find module ‘./test/parse’
- it was caused by me having a .yarnclean
- remove it, delete node_modules, run yarn again
angular1 controllerAs with ngRoute
Problem: want to use controller as with ngRoute
- found here
.when('/somePath', {
template: htmlTemplate,
controller: 'myController as ctrl'