convert pdf to png with imagemagick
convert -monitor -scale 600x800 some_pdf.pdf some_png_%d.png
get dates in timezone back from ActiveRecord
If you want that date/times come back in your timezone from the database, instead of ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone, make you sure you activate the following:
ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes = true
linx #6
- nodejs-missy - node ORM
- node-any-db
- node-db-migrate - migrations
- request - http client
cordova connection error
To handle this error:
Application Error A network error occurred. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)
The fix is to add a javascript redirect to the real index file:
window.location = "./real_index.html";
install nokogiri with sys libraries
Been trying to install nokogiri without much success on ruby 2. I already had it working with ruby 1.9.3, and perhaps the fact that the previous version was using system’s libxml2 influenced it somehow. Long story short, to make it install under ruby 2, I did this:
jquery datepicker change event
$("#some-element").datepicker({dateFormat:"",onSelect: function(date) {
// do something with selection