Developer from somewhere
def change change_column_default :users, :name, "anonymous" end
Found a very good way of escaping punctuation characters in lua here
str:gsub ("%p", "%%%0")
u = Repo.get(User, 1) # and to change it's updated_at Repo.update!(u |> Ecto.Changeset.change(%{updated_at: Ecto.DateTime.utc}))
iex(2)> String.module_info [module: String, exports: [__info__: 1, downcase: 1, jaro_distance: 2, splitter: 2, strip: 2, to_float: 1, rjust: 2, ends_with?: 2, contains?: 2, upcase: 1, at: 2, equivalent?: 2, valid?: 1, reverse: 1, normalize: 2, splitter: 3, replace_trailing: 3, graphemes: 1, last: 1, strip: 1, chunk: 2, ljust: 2, ljust: 3, next_codepoint: 1, rstrip: 2, capitalize: 1, replace_suffix: 3, printable?: 1, first: 1, match?: 2, lstrip: 2, replace_leading: 3, split_at: 2, split: 2, length: 1, replace: 4, to_existing_atom: 1, next_grapheme_size: 1, duplicate: 2, starts_with?: 2, rstrip: 1, slice: 3, split: 1, valid_character?: 1, lstrip: 1, rjust: 3, slice: 2, to_atom: 1, ...], attributes: [vsn: [272593462254668022266866328062939769355]], compile: [options: [:debug_info], version: '6.0.2', time: {2016, 1, 14, 19, 20, 22}, source: '/home/geo/code/elixir/lib/elixir/lib/string.ex'], native: false, md5: <<205, 19, 151, 86, 67, 198, 236, 82, 86, 152, 206, 221, 94, 34, 42, 11>>]
iex(5)> q = "one 2 three 4 five" "one 2 three 4 five" iex(6)> Regex.match?(~r/\d+/, q) true iex(10)> Regex.scan(~r/(\d+)/, q) [["2", "2"], ["4", "4"]] iex(11)> Regex.scan(~r/(\d+)/, q, capture: :all_but_first) [["2"], ["4"]] iex(12)> Regex.scan(~r/(\d+)/, q, capture: :all_but_first) |> List.flatten ["2", "4"]
LuaJIT 2.1.0-alpha -- Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Mike Pall. JIT: ON SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 fold cse dce fwd dse narrow loop abc sink fuse > a=[[ >> one >> two >> three >> ]] > print(a) one two three >
tail -f /dev/null
#!/bin/bash trap ctrl_c INT function ctrl_c() { # do whatever cleanup you want here }
iex -S mix test path/to/your/test.exs
Also make sure that you have the proper require in your test:
defmodule YourApp.YourTest do use ExUnit.Case require IEx # in case 60s is not enough @tag timeout: 120000 test "it should work" do # whatever IEx.pry # inspect end end