react-native unable to download js bundle
Got this error message:
Unable to download JS bundle. Did you forget to start the development server or connect your device?
To fix, I had to run:
react-native start
and then click reload on the AVD.
fixing java.awt.HeadlessException when starting AVD under ubuntu linux
I kept receiving java.awt.HeadlessException when starting the AVD. I found the fix here
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
Then open the android script from ANDROID_HOME, or wherever your android sdk is, and modify java_cmd=”java” to java_cmd=”/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java”
setting default node version in nvm
For example to make 5.3.0 the default node available:
nvm alias default v5.3.0
custom monitoring script in ubuntu
I wanted to have a way to run something repeteadly and have visual output. Luckily, indicator-sysmonitor allows you to configure a custom script. You can get a full description on how to do it, by following this link. I find it very useful to add the path to a shell script, and to call whatever you want from it. So, I’ve configured the path to be ~/code/, with the following contents:
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
cd /home/geo/code/sidekiq-queue
ruby extractor.rb
Of course, you could run node, python, c, or whatever your heart desires. Just make sure your script produces output, since that output is what’s displayed by your indicator. For example, I use it to keep track of the jobs that are being processed by sidekiq, how many jobs are running, how many are queued, and how many scheduled.
handling cookies with Mechanize
cookie_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "cookies.yml")
w =
if File.exists?(cookie_file)
w.cookie_jar.load cookie_file
# or whatever logic to verify whether you need to authenticate or not
if != 0
form =
email_field = form.field("admin_user[email]")
pwd = form.field("admin_user[password]")
email_field.value = ""
pwd.value = "password"
end, session: true)
git push all remote branches and tags to new remote
git push new_remote_name refs/remotes/origin/*:refs/heads/*
git push new_remote_name refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*
access the exception object of an rspec test
Add an after hook like this:
after(:each) do |ex|
if ex.example.exception
# do smth here
virtualbox dns issues
Found that running this, solves my “virtualbox temporary failure in name resolution” errors.
VBoxManage modifyvm Linux --natdnshostresolver1 on
schedule a sidekiq worker to run in a few minutes
MyWorker.perform_in(5.minutes, worker_args)