git multiple worktrees
This checks out the branch called
in a folder called 1
. It
makes it easy to keep track of multiple branches of your project without having
to have multiple clones, or to keep switching from one branch to the other :1
git worktree add dev-code devel
using rvm from a shell agent
The following worked for me:
"path": "/home/geo/code/capy-extractor",
"command": "BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/home/geo/code/capy-extractor/Gemfile /bin/bash -c '/home/geo/code/capy-extractor/'",
"suppress_on_failure": false,
"suppress_on_empty_output": false,
"expected_update_period_in_days": 1
#!/bin/bash -l
set -e
source $HOME/.bashrc
cd ~/code/capy-extractor
rvm use ruby-2.3.0@polty
ruby your-script.rb args
Println debugging go libs
Easy Println debugging:
- remove the lib’s pkg folder from $GOPATH
- add your debugging statements
- rebuild
- run
- identify problem
- revert original lib code
allow permanent access to any app to your google account
This link allows permanent access to any app to your google account for 10 min.
view version of a file from a certain git branch
For example to view how app/models/user.rb looks on branch name_of_branch:
git show name_of_branch:app/models/user.rb