tracing a specific block of code in NewRelic
Info available here. Make sure you extend the NewRelic tracer in your class:
extend ::NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer
self.class.trace_execution_scoped("Custom/Some/TransactionName") do
# traced code
check if database exists in postgresql
select * from pg_database where datname='some-name'
local subdomains in rails
If you want to configure subdomains, using /etc/hosts, this will not work: api.localhost
Instead, you need to use api.localhost.local
As mentioned here, Rails 3 treats api.localhost as the domain.
You're up and running!
Next you can update your site name, avatar and other options using the _config.yml file in the root of your repository (shown below).
The easiest way to make your first post is to edit this one. Go into /_posts/ and update the Hello World markdown file. For more instructions head over to the Jekyll Now repository on GitHub.
curl GET request with json
$ curl “http://some.url” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“my_array”:[1,2,3]}’ -X GET
vim delete without cut
If you want to delete without losing your yank, select your text and then do “_d , and this will send the text to a throwaway registry.
angularjs controller, required by directive, can't be found
This kind of errors:
Controller 'ngModel', required by directive 'ngSubmit', can't be found!
Can be fixed by following the steps in this stackoverflow post. Basically, configure your directive require like this:
require: "^?ngModel"
instead of:
require: "ngModel"