George Opritescu

Developer from somewhere

ERROR invalid reference to FROM-clause

I was receiving this error:

ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table “mailboxer_conversations” LINE 3: … ON “mailboxer_notifications”.”conversation_id” = “mailboxer… ^ HINT: There is an entry for table “mailboxer_conversations”, but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.

Because I had a query like this:

SELECT  DISTINCT "mailboxer_conversations".* FROM "mailboxer_conversations",
(select count(*) from mailboxer_receipts where mailboxer_receipts.is_read = 't') as read_count
INNER JOIN "mailboxer_notifications" ON "mailboxer_notifications"."conversation_id" = "mailboxer_conversations"."id"
INNER JOIN "mailboxer_receipts" ON "mailboxer_receipts"."notification_id" = "mailboxer_notifications"."id"
WHERE "mailboxer_receipts"."receiver_id" = 118
ORDER BY "mailboxer_conversations"."id" ASC LIMIT 1000

Fixed it by rewriting the query like this:

SELECT  DISTINCT "mailboxer_conversations".*,
(select count(*) from mailboxer_receipts where mailboxer_receipts.is_read = 't') as read_count
FROM "mailboxer_conversations"
INNER JOIN "mailboxer_notifications" ON "mailboxer_notifications"."conversation_id" = "mailboxer_conversations"."id"
INNER JOIN "mailboxer_receipts" ON "mailboxer_receipts"."notification_id" = "mailboxer_notifications"."id"
WHERE "mailboxer_receipts"."receiver_id" = 118
ORDER BY "mailboxer_conversations"."id" ASC LIMIT 1000
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git diff when you have a file with the same name as a branch

Let’s say you have a file called potato, and a branch called potato. If you want to see a diff against the branch called potato you’d run this:

git diff potato --

If you want to see a diff of the file potato:

git diff -- potato
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Example of using pg_dump:

pg_dump -F c -U your_username -h -d your_db_name
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sed regex replace backreference example

I had a file containing something like this:

ENV['SOME_VAR'] = "some_value"
ENV['SOME_OTHER_VAR'] = "some_other_value"

and I wanted to turn it into a shell script that would export those vars. This comes pretty close to it, and shows an example of using replace using sed backreferences:

cat unicorn.conf  | grep ENV | sed "s/ENV\['\(.*\)'.*\]/export \1/g" | sed 's/ = /=/g'
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scp example

Here’s how to scp a file, using a pem file:

scp -i ~/my_key.pem .
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launch an editor to write/edit a shell command

If you have a long command that you want to modify, hold Ctrl-X and press e. This will open the editor specified with $EDITOR, and you can write it there.

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finding git branches that contain a commit

Information found here:

git branch --contains SOMESHA

and to find only local ones:

git branch -r --contains SOMESHA
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creating and debugging mongo indexes

To check index usage, start your mongod with -vv flags, example:

/usr/bin/mongod -vv --config /etc/mongod.conf

And then cat your logfile, probably in this location:

cat /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

Look for the nscanned and nscannedObjects fields.

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iframe, cookies and IE

If you need to accept cookies from inside an iframe with IE, you need to set the P3P header: P3P: CP=”whatever P3P keywords”


P3P: CP=”we do not support P3P”

And this will make IE happy.

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find out your RAM type under ubuntu

sudo lshw -short -C memory
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